تاريخ النشر 12 مارس 2016     بواسطة الدكتور احمد عبدالله النعمي     المشاهدات 201

النشاطات البدنيه تزيد من حجم المخ وتقلل الخرف

Physical activity shown to improve brain volume, cut Alzheimer’s risk in half 0 BY IOS PRESS ON MARCH 12, 2016 MENTAL HEALTH Tweet about this on TwitterShare on FacebookPin on PinterestShare on Google+Share on RedditShare on TumblrShare on StumbleUponShare on LinkedInEmail this to someone A
new study shows that a variety of physical activities from walking to gardening and dancing can improve brain volume and cut the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 50%.

This research, conducted by investigators at UCLA Medical Center and the University of Pittsburgh, is the first to show that virtually any type of aerobic physical activity can improve brain structure and reduce Alzheimer’s risk. The study, funded by the National Institute of Aging, was published on March 11 in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

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