تاريخ النشر 2 فبراير 2016     بواسطة الدكتور احمد عبدالله النعمي     المشاهدات 201

المؤكلات البحرية والخرف

الاستهلاك المتوسط للمأكولات البحرية (وجبة اسبوعيا)، على الرغم من مخاطر الزئبق، قد تقلل من خطر الخرف. دراسة جديدة درس الباحثون فيها ما يقرب 290 من الشيوخ في شيكاغو الذين لقوا حتفهم وخضع لتشريح الدماغ بعد الوفاة. في السنوات التي سبقت وفاة، قدم المشاركون بيانات عن استهلاك المواد الغذائية، بما في
 ذلك المأكولات البحرية. 
Moderate seafood consumption, despite the mercury risks, might lower the risk for dementia in those at increased risk, an observational study in JAMA suggests.
Researchers studied nearly 290 elders in Chicago who died and underwent brain autopsy. In the years before death, participants provided data on food consumption, including seafood. Two thirds of the autopsied brains had mercury levels measured.

Among those carrying the APOE ε4 allele, which is associated with increased risk for Alzheimer disease, consumption of at least one seafood meal per week was associated with fewer Alzheimer's-related changes at autopsy, relative to less consumption. The effect was not seen in non-carriers of the allele.

Higher seafood consumption also correlated with higher mercury levels, but those levels were not associated with Alzheimer's changes.

JAMA article (Free)

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